Thursday, October 24, 2013

Book of The Week: My New Teacher and Me!

I was shelving books (as always) and saw the name Yankovic in the stack.

"What?" I thought to myself, doing a double-take, "It can't be..."  I checked the cover for the full name. It was: Weird Al Yankovic writes children's literature! I had absolutely no idea.

Flipping through the book, it seems very much like something he should put to music. It is written in rhyme, and is quite comical.

Title: My New Teacher and Me!
Author: Al Yankovic
"Weird Al" Yankovic's new tale of Billy, the irrepressible star of the New York Times bestselling When I Grow Up, is an uproarious back-to-school delight. Dazzling wordplay and sparkling rhyme combine in a unique appreciation of the rewards of unabashed originality and the special joy of viewing the world gently askew.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is wonderful. Who knew that such an artist could write?
