I seem to go through phases. I write, I play guitar, I draw, I quilt, I do photography... My hobbies seem to cycle through. Clearly, I was out of the blogging phase for a while there. Now for the time being, I am back on the blogging train!
What has gotten me inspired to come back again? Partly, being there again today. I've had very limited work days this month (6, to be exact) due to my nursing home job taking up a lot of this month's otherwise available days. Then, I was supposed to work last week and I got sick. So, my 6 days went down to 5. At last, today I made my return! After being away for a little over a week and then returning, I realize just how much I missed carrying around armloads of books. It felt good to push the cart and look at the expanse of stories, recipes, projects, and information packed into those bound stacks of parchment. Maybe I am a little too attached to "my" books?
By the end of my shift, the library was closed and the librarians, with a chuckle, told me I should head home. Yeah,
I was told to go home from my job. Not too many people can say that, and fewer people can say they were slightly reluctant to obey the order. I like paging way too much :-) Really though, what's not to like? On top of getting to handle 100+ books, I also came in to discover that there apparently is a holiday called National Library Workers Day. It happened on the 15th, and they gave me a gift card to Baskin Robins to celebrate!
So, I said "partly" the above was my reason for getting back to my library blog. The other part was this video I stumbled upon on Youtube that gave me a good laugh: